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Vinyl Tubes Pvt Ltd.

Plant Address : 913, 9th Floor, International Trade Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi, 110019 - 281403, India

Corporate Office : 913, Block E, International Trade Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi, Delhi, India - 110019

Mobile : +91-9910006883

Phone : +91-11-65153724

Fax : +91-11-41027263

What are the benefits of uPVC pipes ?
  • Strength to weight ratio, Light Weight
  • Long-Term Tensile Strength
  • Low Coefficient of Friction
  • High Impact Strength
  • Watertight Joints
  • Flexibility
  • Abrasion/Wear Resistance
  • Corrosion Resistance
  • Chemical Resistance
  • Maintain Water Quality
  • Energy Efficient
  • Recyclable So ECO-FRIENDLY.
  • Favourable Cost
How does Vinyl pipe affect the quantity and quality of water?
  • Quantity : Over years of engineering has enabled us to design PVC PIPES & UPVC PIPES that can offer lower Frictional loss thus offering higher Flow rage / Higher LPM as compared to Steel and HDPE pipes.
  • Quality : Vinyl pipes are made from Virgin high-grade PVC and uPVC material blended in-house. Open Eye Test: Best way to find good uPVC pipe is to check how much Translucent it is. You will find that good amount of light passes thought All UPVC Column pipe made by us. This will tell you that there is no impurity and just correct portion of Additive to make Excellent pipe for your use
Can the strength of uPVC pipes be compared with that of steel pipes ?
  • The specific gravity of uPVC ranges between 1.4 gm / cm3 and 1.45 gm / cm3. Whereas, the specific gravity of steel is 8 gm / cm3. Thus, the Weight of uPVC pipe is less than Steel Pipe. But, For same Size of Pipe the Thickness of uPVC Pipe is higher than GI pipe or Steel Pipe. Considering the strength of the material, the uPVC pipes are designed to become lightweight without compromising on the strength requirements.
  • Thus, PVC pipes offer excellent Weight to Strength Ratio. This does not compromise the Safety and life of the product. Thus, it reduces Manual labour and easy to handle. A 4”/ 3mt pipe can be easily handled by one person while you need min. 2 to 3 people in Steel.
Do column pipes need full casing in the bore ?
  • Column pipes give the best result in bore wells which have a full casing or which are free of loose boulders and stones. In cases where loose boulders and stones are prevalent, either full casing is provided or the bore is made slightly larger so that the pump does not get stuck.
  • In areas with loose soil and silt, the problem of ‘Bore Collapse’ is very common. However, such problems can be tackled by providing full casing pipes. Care should also be taken while drilling the bore well. The bore should be vertically straight and free from any bend.
What should be the bore size with respect to the outer diameter (OD) of the pump ?
  • For bore wells without casing pipe and in areas where loose boulders are present in the bore, it is suggested that the size of the bore should be minimum 2” more than the OD of the pipe. This is to prevent the pump from getting stuck up due to loose boulders.
  • For bore wells with casing pipe, a minimum gap of ½ “ between the Internal Diameter (ID) of the casing and OD of the pump are recommended.
Why is there a variation in the thickness of pipes ? The thickness of the pipes is designed taking into consideration weight of the pump, the weight of the water column and pump delivery pressure. The end of the pipes are made thicker so that even after cutting the threads and removing the material, the barrel thickness remains same and provide same strength throughout its length. Can any other metal adaptors be used? Vinyl marked adaptors are passed through rigorous Quality Control in the lab for checking (a) Hardness value (b) Quality of casting (c) Blow holes and other casting defects (d) Thickness and (e) Accuracy of threads. Hence it is recommended that only Vinyl marked accessories supplied by Vinyl are used. What is the use of pump guard ? Areas with excessive sand pumping or defective unbalanced pump fitting, results in vibration at the bottom which may lead to breakage of the pipe near the adaptor. Pump guards are used in such areas so that even after breakage of the column pipes, the pumps are easily retrieved. Can PVC Pipe used for Electrical Wiring conduit? PVC are Excellent Electrical Resistance also being light in weight and Smooth internal finish, they are best suited for Electrical Wiring. Effect of Temperate and is PVC Fire safe?
  • PVC has low thermal conductivity than traditional pipe material. Thus, PVC pipe are very much recommended for Plumbing and Thermal insulation
  • Fire Hazards: It is difficult to ignite PVC pipe is difficult to ignite and will not continue burning in the absence of an external ignition source. The spontaneous ignition temperature is approx 450°c. It is also a Self Extinguishing.


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